Ref: RQR20 / QuickRinse spray gun solvent rinse unit
Disposable cup systems allow the painter to take several colours into the spray booth at the same time enabling them to spray different panels one after the other without leaving the spray booth. This creates a much more effective and efficient way of working saving hours of time.
Cleaning the spraygun thoroughly between colour changes, is essential, if they are to avoid colour mismatch and paint defects. Simply pouring water into the gunÛªs paint channel and then spraying out the paint and water usually does not clean the paint channel properly. Leaving the spray booth to clean the spray gun is time consuming and inconvenient.
The Redashe QuickRinse is a totally new device, developed to enable body shops to use disposable cups to their full potential. The QuickRinse is a pneumatic rinsing device, which can be used inside the spray booth, it dramatically increases the benefits of using disposable cups. It quickly cleans the paint channels between colour changes.