Curing equipment

IRT 4-1 PcAuto



Ref: IRT 4-1 PcAuto

The IRT PcAuto models are equipped with advanced technology such as a temperature measurement, laser circle and digital distance sensor. The laser circle shows where the measurement of the temperature on the curing area takes place, and the ultrasound sensor measures the distance and signals when the distance is correct. The temperature is continuously measured, while the microprocessor regulates the effective output upwards or downwards in a split second for optimal curing results. As an operator, you can continuously monitor the curing process and receive information about such things as object temperature and elapsed/remaining program time.

  • Pyrometer for exact temperature control
  • Computerized curing process, 12 pre-set and 3 custom programs
  • Computerized monitoring of curing
  • Laser circle indicates where temperature measuring takes place
  • Electronic distance sensor
  • Curing area: 1,1m x 1,5m at a distance of 60cm
Frequency 50-60 Hz
Output Power 6 kW
Max. Cassette Height 2250mm (H) 2550 (V)

Consumables & Optional Extras

Part number Description
R102699 Lamp-IR 2kW 235V 360 U CPL
R102700 Lamp-IR 1kW 235V 360 U CPL
R713576 IRT cassette air filter
R750583 USB Cable data collector
R750584 USB Memory data collector
R750585 Wireless data collector