Fuel handling equipment

Lubeworks J18341002 Automatic Digital Fuel Nozzle



Automatic nozzle with built in digital turbine flowmeter.
Automatically shuts off the flow of fuel when the tank is full.

  • High, medium and low volume latching facility
  • 3/4" inlet with 15/16" spout
  • Suitable for use with diesel or kerosene
  • Plastic coated body and handle assembly
  • Automatically shuts off the fuel flow when the tank is full
  • Measures in litres, Gallon, Pints & quarts
  • Optional swivel available part no J19640010
Flow Rate 8 - 60LPM
Working Temp -10°C to + 50°C
Accuracy +/- 1%
Max. Resettable Total 999.99 litres
Max. Non Resettable Total 9999999 litres
Max. Working Pressure 50psi (3.5 bar)