Tool balancers

Redashe CKOSB-1 tool balancer



Ref: CKOSB-1 / Tool balancers or tools and weights from 0.5 – 1.5 kgs

A new range of balancers with capacities from 0.5 to 5.0 Kgs and a stroke up to 1.8m. With a smooth, resilient, ABS plastic casing for easy cleaning. Balancers offer improved ergonomics at the work station to increase productivity in assembly operations. Operator fatigue is reduced by ensuring the tool always returns to a suitable rest point after use. Ensures operator safety for repetitive actions, through reduced effort. The workspace remains clear of obstructions for other tools, additional operations or equipment. Accuracy and performance is increased as a result. Tool life is increased by eliminating the possibility of the device hitting the floor.

  • ABS plastic, smooth, tough, casing - easy to clean
  • Stainless steel cable (coated on the CKSOB-1)
  • Auxiliary safety suspension
  • Easy to use tension control for accurate adjustment to suit the load
  • Rotating load clip prevents the cable twisting
  • Inert spring drum assembly for safety
Height 110mm
Width 143mm
Depth 53.5mm
Weight 0.4kgs
Load 0.5 - 1.5kgs
Cable size 2mm
Stroke 1800mm